It’s starting to respond to the warm temps up high… water looked higher and more discolored in the Gnarrows and Pineview.
North Fork is adding some to Filter Plant which looks good to go.
By frenchy
It’s starting to respond to the warm temps up high… water looked higher and more discolored in the Gnarrows and Pineview.
North Fork is adding some to Filter Plant which looks good to go.
By frenchy
Kayak Film Fest to Celebrate June Rise
Friday May 6th – Avogadro’s Back Patio, Doors open 6:30, Films start 7:45
605 S. Mason, Fort Collins
$10 at the door includes a free New Belgium beer.
Join us for happy hour at 6:30 on the back patio for a great line-up of kayak movies: Halo Effect, paddling down waterfalls in remote Iceland & Norway andWildWater, a beautiful compilation of kayaking across the world. Plus short films of our own local paddlers on the Poudre River. Silent Auction with cool stuff from OtterBox, Astral Buoyancy, Level Six, Funkwerks Brewery, and Equinox Brewery and more…. All proceeds to benefit Save the Poudre®.
By frenchy
While many are speculating on what is likely to be the biggest whitewater season any of us has ever seen on the Poudre, once thing’s become clear. 2011 is likely to be one for the record books. In the spirit of the upcoming high water season, check out this article by Poudre River kayaking veteran John Moran as he reflects on paddling the Poudre at peak flows back in 1983. This was passed on to me by Marty Bell a few minutes ago and we thought you’d enjoy reading it too!
I was asked by Marty to see if I could dig back 28 years in to the depths of my memory to remember what the Poudre was like in that record year, 1983.
It was my 4th season on the Poudre. I just had just got done with a big water run of the Grand and got back to Colorado and it was raging. A run down Shoshone, by Glenwood, on the way home was like running Hermit. However it was still May and the best was yet to come: the highest recorded flows on the Poudre 6/21/1983 5970 cfs.
What that translated to was some of the greatest high water romps on the Poudre I have ever had. The Rustic Runs actually had eddies, while you couldn’t even run the Bridges because the Gray Rock bridge was under water. (They have since raised the bridge, it still may be tight at peak flows this year)
Below 3 way (Split rock) The high water mark was up to the middle of the lane. On the straight below you could look the passengers in car driving by right in the eye as you were bobbing along.
Upper Mish was stomping with nary an eddy and all the rocks in the entrance to Mish Falls were covered some of which where large nasty holes, followed by some river wide ledge wave holes.
We ran sections of Spencer Heights but we didn’t do the whole thing most of us put in at the picnic area where the Laramie River Tunnel comes in. A friend of mine put in a couple of drops above that and had the ride of his life.
I, being the wimp that I am, put in at the picnic area and immediately got stuck in a hole but managed to work my way out. Yes that’s a glass boat, designed by a guy in Boulder that use to have a kayak store. It incorporated the worst parts of several different designs all into one boat. The net result was I had no choice but to get better or give up boating. It was very hard to roll, liked to fall over backwards, couldn’t pass a hole without getting stuck, and was much happier upside down than right side up. He named it the Porpoise a friend of mine named it the Platypus, a much more accurate moniker.
There were even a few brave souls who ran the Lower Narrows. I remember looking at it and thinking “Ya there’s the line”! Then I saw a full size Ponderosa Pine go through and just disappear only to come rocketing out of the river about 30 yards downstream. I took a pass on the Narrows that day.
The South Fork was a series of micro eddies in the willows where the 1st person in to the eddy would grab hold and we’d stack up on them then someone would get out scout down and come back with a report something like this. “Well it’s clear for the next 30 yards then you have to move right to get around a tree then look for the next eddy.” That person had to climb back out over all the boats stacked up and got to go find the next eddy.
Even the Filter Plant was stomp’n. There were great big surfing waves and a couple of holes you could play in.
However the main thing I remember about 1983 was that the fun rock was covered for about 3 weeks, the boating seem to last until September and I had a great summer. So if this season measures up to even close to ’83 it will be an outstanding season for boating. Have fun, it may not come around for another 28 years.
By frenchy
After a remarkable snow year, it’s seems that we could witness a runoff for the ages in the Poudre Canyon this spring… here in your front yard… compare the snowpack water content at Joe Wright (live data), near Cameron Pass for this year to the best of the rest on record (1983).
Add to what we already have up there right now… the weather pattern is predicted to stay pretty wet, at least in to May. See it for yourself (go halfway down the page to the “GFS” and click “All” at the end of the row below… use the +/- keys to animate after the page loads).
Did you think last year big? This year should be Stellar! Talk to folk who were here in ’83. You will understand.
Oh yeah… at some pre-season training at the Rio… a Longdraw plow driver was heard to report that, sure, “it is deeper than ever, but it is remarkably dense”.
… clear your calendar… SYOTR
By frenchy
Fall kayak polo season starts this coming Thursday, 10/21, and I’m looking forward seeing you all and having a great winter of polo this year!
Please check out the news section of the MKP website for all of the gory details, including dates, times, and payment info. Be sure to check out our new Paypal payment option and our fall season Paypal sale, going on through Thursday. Pay early and save some $$$!
If you haven’t signed up yet and plan to play, drop me an email asap so that we know how many people to expect. If we get more people signed up, we can extend our pool time accordingly. If you’ve already signed up, your name should be listed on the following web page under “fall season registered” (let me know if it isn’t!):
New Players:
We will have a rules and reffing class before games on 10/21 at 7:30 pm in the upstairs area of the EPIC lobby.
For general information on the club and nightly duties, see:
For information on rules and referee signals, see:
For any questions that aren’t answered here or on the website, drop me a line any time.