Great day in the canyon!
If you are headed up canyon Sunday, be aware that the Equinox Half Marathon is going to be in the lower Canyon. Roads signs indicate expect runners from 6am-1pm.
By frenchy
By frenchy
Slowly dropping, but still holding so you can enjoy fall colors as you float downstream.
By frenchy
This Tuesday is the next step in the process of getting a whitewater park put in. The City Council will be holding a work session covering the plans for the Poudre River Project. This session does not allow input from the public, but you can show up to show support and listen to the discussion amongst the council members.
Time/Date: Tuesday (October 8) at 6pm
Location: City Hall, 300 LaPorte Ave.
Alternatively, if you have Comcast, you can watch the proceedings from the comfort of you home on channel 14 at 6pm.
Whatever you choose to do, please let your council member know your thoughts.
This work session will be covering 2 main topics. First will have Dr. Tony Frank from CSU talking for 1 hour (not Poudre River related). The second item (again 1 hour in length) will be the Poudre River Plan
and Projects led by John Stokes.
More information is available from the City’s web page:
The agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is here:,%202013
Note, if you would like to see the video presentation of the September meeting with SO2’s park presentation, you can view it here:
By frenchy
If you hadn’t guessed from the canyon mouth gauge vs the Rock, both diversions are running 🙂
October boating at it’s finest
By frenchy
Sunny, clear skies, wind and fall colors. Sunday should be sunny and warm again, get out and enjoy the weather/water while you can!
And for a random tidbit, 66 years ago today (Oct 5), President Harry S. Truman gave the first televised presidential speech. On a less serious note, in 1969 Monty Python’s Flying Circus debuted on the BBC.