Currently 68.8Ff, sunny with a slight breeze. Absolutely beautiful Day! Expect a high of 79F with a 10% chance for rain.
Lower N Fork still up at 922 cfs at Livermore as of 0800.
By frenchy
Currently 68.8Ff, sunny with a slight breeze. Absolutely beautiful Day! Expect a high of 79F with a 10% chance for rain.
Lower N Fork still up at 922 cfs at Livermore as of 0800.
By frenchy
Currently 45.6F, cloudy and calm. expects a warmer day reaching the 60’s with a good chance for scattered showers. Expect better Wx tomorrow.
Don’t know if I believe it, but Colorado River Flows is claiming 1040 cfs for the Lower North Fork at Livermore!
Have fun.
Little South Fork: Juicin (HIGH)!
Our group of 8 ran the Little South Fork yesterday. We faced 2 mandatory strainer portages in the upper section of the run, and a mostly clear channel through the main drop. Due to visible wood and some uncertainty about possibly more wood under the water surface, we all opted for the portage route on the main drop. At yesterday’s flow the run is busy and committing read-and-run class IV/IV+, with a class V’ish spike for the main drop. As always, heads up for new wood and be prepared for a wilderness adventure!
By frenchy
Currently 49.3F, cloudy and wet. NOAA optimistically posted a high of 58F with 60% chance of showers- yeah, right!
We got more snow hitting Cameron Pass, with daytime total between 1-3 inches, high of 39F up there. The Lower N Fork down to 422 cfs.
Support the Poudre Canyon VFD and fill your belly at the same time. Semi-Annual cookout fundraiser next weekend (Sat & Sun) at Ted’s Pl. All proceeds support your local volunteer fire department in your playground.
By frenchy
Approaching SIX FEET on the rock yesterday and the gauge has leveled off around 4000 cfs for today!
Demshitz Jared Seiler and Dave Fussili are in town and they are doing a paddle with the bros today meeting at RMA at noon. Then they will be headed to the Lyric Cinema at 7pm for a showing of Evan Garcia’s new movie Dashboard Empanada. If you haven’t seen the Demshitz movies then you are in for a treat. No holds barred running of the biggest whitewater in Chile is what’s on the menu. If you’ve ever wanted to see 6-10 of the best paddlers in a row stomp the line on the hardest whitewater in South America, this is your chance.
7pm Lyric Cinema
300 E Mountain Ave
$8 @ the door
By frenchy
Bouncy at the rock, the mean level is about 5.3. Currently 49.5F, cloudy and WET- and I’m not talking about the Riv. Rain expected all day with high reaching into the 50’s. Snow expected in the high country.
Lower North Fork flowing at 705 cfs at Livermore.
Thanks Holly for a great time at Columbine! It was great to see so many old friends.